The waterfall inside the hotel.
There are fish in the water.
The swimming pool is very clean and well kept.
The landscape is beautiful and very tropical. I enjoyed walking around and seeing the flowers blooming.
The Pearl River. It is very smoogy here.
We made it to The White Swan Hotel! Our flight was pretty good and
Meiting did a good job for her first time flying(thank you for the prayers). Many people rave about this hotel and I can certainly see why. Although some people thinks the rooms are small, we find this room to be a bit more spacious and
arranged better than we had in Beijing. The room in Beijing was VERY tiny with no place to put anything.
Meiting's bed was about 2 inches from where I slept so it was like she was sleeping with us. Here, she is about 3 feet away which gives me a little more privacy (not much but I will take it). I am worried that she will think this is how it will be at home. After 3 weeks of NONSTOP togetherness, I am craving a little privacy and personal space. It is very lush and tropical here in the south of China. Beijing is VERY busy and crowded with a fast paced atmosphere. The food in Beijing was much better, but the atmosphere here is hard to beat. We are on the
Shamian Island overlooking the Pearl River. We walked around the lush tropical streets. The trees are large and the flowers are blooming. There is fruit growing in the trees. I feel like I am in the tropics! The humidity is high so you are constantly sweating. I love the slow paced, relaxed environment here. I am ready for this after the intensity of Beijing. There is also a Starbucks Coffee right around the corner! I am ready to come home and see Parker and try and settle into some structure and consistency. Living out of a suitcase with 24/7 togetherness in a TINY hotel room is VERY
challenging! 4 days left!